The school staff monitor and assess the children through observations of their activities and work in school all the time. These observations are used to inform the teacher's planning and move the children's learning forward. Also, other more formal assessments take place to make judgements about a pupil's reading, spelling and non-verbal reasoning abilities.
At the end of Year One, the children are assessed on their knowledge of Phonics, At the end Key Stage One and Two, the children sit national standardised assessment tests (SATs). In the Summer Term, the teachers write an Annual Report for each child that summarises their performance in school.
Under the National Curriculum, the school is using an assessment system based on Age Related Expectations.
From Year One to Year Six, judgements will be made about the children's performance against Year Group based National Curriculum objectives. One of the following grades will be given:
- Working Towards Age Related Expectations (ARE)
- Working At Age Related Expectations (ARE)
- Working Above Age Related Expectations (ARE)
In EYFS, the staff complete the Early Excellence baseline for chioldren in Reception in September. This is an observation-based assessment that does not involve any 'testing' of the children, but instead reflects the normal way the staff and children work in Early Years. This is used to identify the needs of the children and to plan for their next steps. Through out the year, observations are continually being made and evidence collected to document the children's achievements and progress in their Learning Journals. At the end of the year, judgements will be made about the children's performance against the Early Learing Goals. In each area, one of the following grades will be given:
- Emerging
- Expected
- Exceeding